Imagine If!
Before I embarked on this journey, my mind produced a million reasons why "it" wasn't happening for me. I didn't have enough money. I didn't enjoy the support at home. I had made too many mistakes. I didn't possess the experience necessary for that kind of success. My picture of success was drawn by someone else's experience, which was whatever they had that I didn't have helped me understand what I would want.
Today I am heading towards everything I have ever wanted. I am no longer at the starting gate, wondering when the gun will go off. I am not on the track, running a race that I don't want to run. I am in this experience and it is the experience that I want to have. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. I didn't win the lottery. I have no more or less support than I ever did. In fact, I think that I misread the level of support that I did have. I have a bit more experience due to my efforts, but no degree or brilliant moment that I thought I would need to before beginning the journey. My mistakes continue to pile up as that is the state of the human condition.
Nothing is really different except for one thing. I am using my imagination. Human beings are the only beings that have this ability, this gift of imagination. We can utilize other people's experiences, our own experiences, the images gifted us in books and movies and television shows and we can conjure up the possibilities as if they are happening right now.
What do you imagine? Is it a life that has a very small possibility of the success that you want? Is your imagination hamstrung with a bevy or rules of can nots and will nots and mayby nots? Or do you imagine the life that you want. Do you utilize your mind's eye to bring forward the colors and feelings and even smells of what it will be when you reach the reality of the vision that you desire?
Take some time to imagine what you want. If you don't have the experiences to draw on to support your vision, then ask others who stand in the place you desire. Read and watch and ask for any information that can support your imagination and use that ability to create a scene for the future to bring the future closer to today.
Once I stepped out in faith and began to do what I was meant to do, the future transformed from a distant mirage into moments that I can see and feel and touch. What was once just in my head, I wanted to be a speaker, I wanted to be an influencer, I wanted to be an inspirer, is now my daily existence. Instead of wishing that I could have something that doesn't feel attainable, I am now charged with figuring out how to keep the momentum going.
So today I want you to imagine. Imagine it all in vivid color. Keep imagining and keep asking. You might be suprised and what leaps to life.
Let Liz Nead inspire you further. Purchase her CD's- the 1440 Principle, Finding Your Game, Creating Your Vision and Building a Rockstar Network on
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