Monday, March 29, 2010

Go with the Flow!

Go with the flow!

To bed at 10:00.  Rise at 7:00.  Make sure you make your bed, have breakfast (I HAVE to have protein if I'm going to feel like a good person), and leave the house no later than 8:30 if you want to take yourself seriously. 

No wait. 

To bed at 1:00 in the morning.  Sleep until about 9:00 and then grab a cup of coffee and get some work done before getting ready for the day.  Protein breakfast optional but exercise mandatory.  Leave house by 11:30 for a meeting if you want to take yourself seriously.

Forget about the battle between morning people and night owls, the carb lovers and the protein-ites, the morning movers and shakers and those that hate to have to move strenously.  This is not about the RIGHT way to do anything.  I want you to think about the best way for you to live your life.  This is about FLOW.

You know what flow is.  Flow is that miraculous flow of energy and process that makes life easier.  You struggle to write and then suddenly you can't type fast enough to get the words on the screen.  The study is disorganized for two years and one morning you get up and your work space is cleaned out and looks fabulous.  You just can't get in the mood to work out and you discover kick boxing with a friend and now your arms look amazing.  You and your partner talk and talk and can't figure out what the problem is and during a drive back from an errand, you talk and get closer to understanding each other in 20 ninutes.

I want you to leave the conventional wisdom behind and ask yourself what the flow will be today.  Do the things that work right now.  You are not going to be able to get away with ignoring your responsibilties.  Bills have to paid, kids fed, work attended to, but in the end, turn the dial to YOU and accomplish the tasks that feel the "easiest."  It's your game!  The way you were intended to live!

You might as well try it.  It's your game, that special way you were intended to live.  Hang on though!  It's a fun ride.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Manic Monday? Hump Day? TGIF?

You've heard it before. 
"I just get so stressed on Sunday.  Monday is right around the corner.  Why can't I get one more day added on to the weekend?"

"Ugh. Mondays.  I hate Mondays."

"Hump day!  Yeay!  It's Wednesday!"


I must confess, even though I am all about this inspiration stuff, I attach something extra to the DAY.  Some extra power the day has over me, suffering through one day and anxiously waiting for the next. 

Let's imagine that you fell into a Rapunzel deep sleep and when you woke up no one told you that Monday was Tuesday, and Wednesday was Thursday and Saturday was Sunday.  Everything had moved forward one day.  Mysteriously, the negativity reserved for Monday had moved forward a day for you.  You wondered, why am I the only one struggling today?  Everyone else had a bad day yesterday.  And even more strangely, they all looked forward to Thursday.  The phrase isn't TGIT! 

One day, with a "Truman Show" flourish, the trick is revealed.  You had been living, "one day off."  And eventually, you would adjust and start matching anticipation of you culture, breathing along with the collective sigh of relief on a Saturday. 

Of course the day has no innate power; it is only energized by us.  We give the day meaning.  In fact, we give all moments meaning.  The graduation from college, the wedding day, the moment you look in the mirror and see someone "older."  We have the might of a superhero to attach a negative or positive meaning to the moments of our life. 

Take a look at your life.  Maybe you tell yourself that "your time is over."  Or, you dread the moment your children will leave for college.  You might feel the pain of aging or feel a sinking disappointment that you have not accomplished what you thought you would when you were young. 

Remember, these are just stories.  Your stories.  If you want to change your life, start with changing your stories.  Your time is not over, rather, you only have the rest of your life to enjoy.  Your children leaving will usher in another exciting time in your family's life.  Start planning for it!  Your age is inevitable, and you will live an amazing life with the wisdom you have gained.  And, as long as you have the day, there is still time to acconplish what you want.  The power to change the perception of this moment is in you!

Although, I must confess...


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sarah Palin: Brilliance or buffoonery?

Sarah Palin on Jay Leno yesterday.  The headline reads, "Former Vice Presidential Candidate performs standup on Leno's first week back in the Tonite Show slot."  (Check it out at the bottom).

I felt the way I do much of the time I watch real people do real things, scripted or otherwise.  My hand instinctively inched towards the channel changer, not wanting to watch another human being crash and burn to the delight of her fellow man.  The other part of me leaning forward, interested in the laboratory specimen on the screen, Sarah Palin trying to find her game.  I wanted to her to lose and I wanted her to win.  Her unabashed courage winning me over.

She wasn't so bad, Sarah Palin.  Of course she has a stiffness stemming from the big switch from politician to television riffer.  It was somewhat odd to see someone who just a year before had perfected the political handwave, towering over John McCain.  But she was funny, she was eager, she was confident and I had the eerie feeling that she was just being herself

The discomfort we all felt is undeniable.  Watching someone "try" something out in front of millions of viewers, cringing in the knowledge that many would delight in her failure.  I thought about it later (the unavoidable malady of Nead Inspiration) and realized part of the reason for the uneasiness.  Sarah Palin is searching for her game.  You know, the game.  The special game you can play better than anyone else, that you were born with.

She came on the scene as a bit of a puppet of the Republican party.  Sit up, roll over, bark, be quiet.  We watched as she chafed against the role.  We saw how uncomfortable she was being presidential the "Republican way."  Her true colors came out at the core of her game, the love for her family.  In a split second of protectiveness, we saw the soccer-mom/ bulldog blend come out as she defended the actions of her daughter, her marriage, her Alaskan way of life.

Then she named it, the bulldog with lipstick, the soccer mom with a club.  She resigned the governors seat.  She wrote a book.  She did not ask permission to go on a worldwide tour.  The pundits became frustrated as she slipped in and out of her assigned boxes.  They wanted her to fit in.  She couldn't; her game was becoming more obvious by the second.  When Palin signed up to be a Fox news correspondent, she was not what we expected.  She did not sound brilliant, pontificating, presidential.  She just her.

I believe that Sarah Palin will end up on her feet.  Why?  Because people will line up to buy a book from a person who is real. They will root on the brave.  They will tune into the authentic.

Take a lesson from Ms. Palin. Be yourself.  Do what you were meant to do.  We may not understand, but eventually, once we figure it out.  We will be your biggest fan.  Because you are playing your game, that game that you were born with.  Good luck!