Thursday, March 11, 2010

Manic Monday? Hump Day? TGIF?

You've heard it before. 
"I just get so stressed on Sunday.  Monday is right around the corner.  Why can't I get one more day added on to the weekend?"

"Ugh. Mondays.  I hate Mondays."

"Hump day!  Yeay!  It's Wednesday!"


I must confess, even though I am all about this inspiration stuff, I attach something extra to the DAY.  Some extra power the day has over me, suffering through one day and anxiously waiting for the next. 

Let's imagine that you fell into a Rapunzel deep sleep and when you woke up no one told you that Monday was Tuesday, and Wednesday was Thursday and Saturday was Sunday.  Everything had moved forward one day.  Mysteriously, the negativity reserved for Monday had moved forward a day for you.  You wondered, why am I the only one struggling today?  Everyone else had a bad day yesterday.  And even more strangely, they all looked forward to Thursday.  The phrase isn't TGIT! 

One day, with a "Truman Show" flourish, the trick is revealed.  You had been living, "one day off."  And eventually, you would adjust and start matching anticipation of you culture, breathing along with the collective sigh of relief on a Saturday. 

Of course the day has no innate power; it is only energized by us.  We give the day meaning.  In fact, we give all moments meaning.  The graduation from college, the wedding day, the moment you look in the mirror and see someone "older."  We have the might of a superhero to attach a negative or positive meaning to the moments of our life. 

Take a look at your life.  Maybe you tell yourself that "your time is over."  Or, you dread the moment your children will leave for college.  You might feel the pain of aging or feel a sinking disappointment that you have not accomplished what you thought you would when you were young. 

Remember, these are just stories.  Your stories.  If you want to change your life, start with changing your stories.  Your time is not over, rather, you only have the rest of your life to enjoy.  Your children leaving will usher in another exciting time in your family's life.  Start planning for it!  Your age is inevitable, and you will live an amazing life with the wisdom you have gained.  And, as long as you have the day, there is still time to acconplish what you want.  The power to change the perception of this moment is in you!

Although, I must confess...


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