Monday, March 29, 2010

Go with the Flow!

Go with the flow!

To bed at 10:00.  Rise at 7:00.  Make sure you make your bed, have breakfast (I HAVE to have protein if I'm going to feel like a good person), and leave the house no later than 8:30 if you want to take yourself seriously. 

No wait. 

To bed at 1:00 in the morning.  Sleep until about 9:00 and then grab a cup of coffee and get some work done before getting ready for the day.  Protein breakfast optional but exercise mandatory.  Leave house by 11:30 for a meeting if you want to take yourself seriously.

Forget about the battle between morning people and night owls, the carb lovers and the protein-ites, the morning movers and shakers and those that hate to have to move strenously.  This is not about the RIGHT way to do anything.  I want you to think about the best way for you to live your life.  This is about FLOW.

You know what flow is.  Flow is that miraculous flow of energy and process that makes life easier.  You struggle to write and then suddenly you can't type fast enough to get the words on the screen.  The study is disorganized for two years and one morning you get up and your work space is cleaned out and looks fabulous.  You just can't get in the mood to work out and you discover kick boxing with a friend and now your arms look amazing.  You and your partner talk and talk and can't figure out what the problem is and during a drive back from an errand, you talk and get closer to understanding each other in 20 ninutes.

I want you to leave the conventional wisdom behind and ask yourself what the flow will be today.  Do the things that work right now.  You are not going to be able to get away with ignoring your responsibilties.  Bills have to paid, kids fed, work attended to, but in the end, turn the dial to YOU and accomplish the tasks that feel the "easiest."  It's your game!  The way you were intended to live!

You might as well try it.  It's your game, that special way you were intended to live.  Hang on though!  It's a fun ride.

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